A big question is which data structure to use and in which cases.
First, take a look at what you will be doing with the data items and ask yourself some questions:
do you need random access?
do you perform a lot of insertions? how about deletions?
do you allow duplicates?
are you searching for elements frequently?
does your data need to be ordered?
would you need to traverse the elements?
how big is your data?
these and other questions need to be considered before choosing which
data structure to use. it is a good idea to start from the simplest
structure to see if it satisfies your criteria. it would be a waste of
time to slave over implementing a complicated structure when an array
can fulfil all your needs.
start with arrays...
arrays are a suitable structure to use when you know the size you'll
need and the number of elements is reasonably small. if fast insertion
is needed and you do not need to traverse the elements in a specified
order, use an unordered array. however, if you need search to be fast
use binary search and an ordered array. this however, will make
insertion slower, so if you need fast insertion and fast search, choose
another structure. deletion is always slow in any kind of an array, so
if you are doing a lot of deletions, array is probably not the best
structure for you to use. additionally, if you overestimate or
underestimate the size of the array, you will either have to expand the
array (make a new bigger array and copy all elements from original array
into the new one - costly operation), or you will have wasted memory.
the biggest detriment of arrays is that size must be known beforehand,
as failure to do so results in slow operations or memory waste. also,
deletions are always slow, regardless of whether the array is sorted or
when arrays are not good enough, move on to linked lists
if you need a more flexible structure that does not require you to know
the size ahead of time, a linked list is a good starting point.
unordered linked lists offer constant time insertion (at the end or
beginning of the list) since only references are being changed and no
items need to be shifted. deletion runs in O(N) time since the element
we're deleting needs to be found first. this is still faster than the
array because, as with insertion, no items are shifted. searching is
slow in the linked list because it can only be linear. remember that
binary search is not possible to use with an ordered list since we
cannot access elements from the middle of the list. also, if you need
random access, use arrays or hash tables; linked lists are not the
structure to use since they are built on relationships and every element
can only be accessed from the first node.
linked lists still not good enough, move on to binary trees
if you have looked at arrays and linked lists and decided that they are
not satisfactory, a binary search tree might be what you need. it
provides fast O(logN) time for all operations: search, insertion, and
deletion. you can easily find the minimum and maximum value of the data,
and traversal in order is possible with the use of recursion. however,
trees degrade to O(N) speed when they become unbalanced. if you are sure
that data will be inserted in random order, a regular binary tree might
be a sufficient solution. otherwise, a red-black tree or 2-3-4 tree
that retains balance would be your best choice.
the end of the line: hash tables
as we've seen in the last post, hash tables offer close to O(1) search
and insertion. deletion also runs in O(1) time assuming the deleted item
is simply replaced with a special flag object that the search and
insertion algorithms treat as an empty cell. hash tables are very fast
if the load factor is suitable: .5 or .66 for open addressing, and
around 1 for separate chaining. beware though, that any sort of
traversal of the elements inside the hash table is not possible. we are
only able to search, insert, and delete (in the special way described
earlier). hash tables are much faster than trees, but can degrade
catastrophically when the load factor gets too big. since hash tables
are based on arrays, it is important to have a rough idea of how many
elements you would be expecting. if you cannot accurately predict the
size of your elements beforehand, using the separate chaining method
would be a better choice over open addressing in implementing your hash
i mentioned external storage in the post on b-trees. recall that
accessing data on in external storage is much slower than access in main
memory, so to increase efficiency while working with external storage
we need to minimize the number of disk accesses. this happens if we
increase the number of data per node, which can be done with a multi-way
tree. this way, we can read in a whole block into main memory, and work
from there to search for our key (supposing we are doing insertion). if
the block contains 1000 data items, by fitting all these items into a
single block we have reduced the number of disk accesses from 1000 to 1.
this is the direction of thinking you need to be aware of while working
with external storage and deciding which data structure to use.
stack: O(1) insertion, O(1) deletion
queue: O(1) insertion, O(1) deletion
priority queue: O(N) insertion, O(1) deletion
to review, there are three types of ADTs: the stack, the queue, and the
priority queue. these are interfaces and can be implemented with either
an array or linked list (in the case of a priority queue, a heap can be
used). the stack is a last-in-first-out data structure, and offers
constant time insertion and deletion. the queue has the same efficiency,
except that it is a first-in-first-out structure. priority queue is a
sorted queue by priority (from greatest to lowest key) - meaning it is
sorted. insertion in a priority queue runs in O(N) time, while removal
is still in constant time.
average worst
bubble: O(N^2) same
selection: O(N^2) same
insertion: O(N^2) same
shellsort: O(N^3/2) same
mergesort: O(NlogN) same [note: requires extra memory]
quicksort: O(NlogN) O(N^2)
if you need to sort your data, first start with the simple sorts.
insertion is the best of the O(N^2) sorts, so if you have a relatively
small amount of data this sort will work fine for your needs, and is
also easy to implement. if you have roughly 1,000-5,000 items (figures
are estimated), insertion sort is probably not good enough and shellsort
can be examined next. if you have a large data set, you can finally
turn to the more complex sorting algorithms: mergesort and quicksort,
which run in fastest O(NlogN) time. mergesort requires twice the amount
of space as the original array, so if you are limited on memory this
would not be the best choice. quicksort can then be used. however,
beware of quicksort's catastrophic degradation to O(N^2) time if the
items are not random. the table above summarizes these points.
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